Consumer Goods

Extremely heterogeneous consumer behaviour and continually growing challenges for brick-and-mortar retailing: companies from the consumer goods sector are faced with such extraordinarily complex tasks. Added to this are online marketing and distribution, which place the highest requirements on FMCG manufacturers. Managers who can lead and further develop the relevant organisations with industry experience, professional know-how as well as empathy for employees and innovative strength are crucial at these points.

HEADSAHEAD is mandated by well-known business partners from the B2C sector. We have longstanding industry-related leadership and consulting expertise, and support our clients from the food and non-food segments in staffing management positions in all functional areas.

Exemplary references:

  • CFO, cosmetics firm
  • Overall sales manager both nationally and internationally, manufacturer of fragrance and care products
  • Sales manager, producer of body care and detergent products
  • Brand director, luxury products
  • Marketing director, hair care products
  • Head of IT, food manufacturer
  • Branch manager, food manufacturer
  • Head of HR, food manufacturer
  • Production manager, international direct sales


Trade faces major shifts and changes across and beyond all industries. In the midst of these dynamics, it is not only the market side that has to deal with how online and stationary business can be meaningfully dovetailed. The underlying processes from purchasing to logistics are also changing. Today, more than ever, management is challenged to penetrate the business and processes and be open to the opportunities of change.

HEADSAHEAD hilft Ihnen, die richtigen Kandidaten für die Herausforderungen Ihrer individuellen Unternehmenssituation zu finden und gibt damit den entscheidenden Impuls für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung des Wandels. We know retail from “inside” and occupy management positions and supervisory boards in all functional areas.

Exemplary references:

  • CEO, CFO Branch Company
  • CEO, International FMCG Direct Sales
  • Chief Financial Officer, pan-European fashion discounter
  • Chief Financial Officer/CFO, CTO of listed online retailer
  • Purchasing Manager, market-leading German food retailer
  • Managing Director Sales/ Merchandise Drugstore chain store
  • Sales Manager, Logistics Manager Germany, international food retail discounter Head of IT, international direct supplier
  • Managing director of logistics, furniture chain store
  • Head of marketing, European direct sales
  • Supervisory board, LEH chain store